Thursday, March 5, 2009

Match made in Heaven?

So, I'm dating this guy who's pretty great, so far. I was describing him to my best friend and she asked, "Do you guys match?" Finally, I had realized that I wasn't the only one who didn' t picture a potential mate in their head. Imagining situations like: walking together, hugging, holding hands, or (the one I cannot get out of my head right now) coming from behind him when he's working at his computer and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
I have been doing this ever since I started liking the other sex, and all the situations in which do not work out in my mind of course, do not work out in real life. Is it safe to rely on the feelings you get from these fantasies? My coworker told me today that I do not go beyond my own thoughts. So then, these fantasies and the feelings I have for them, are they unreliable? Are we a match made in my own Heaven?